Jesus help! We can find ourselves in desperate times. Maybe this describes you or someone you know. Know there is always, and I mean always, hope.
On this trip to Rome, they find themselves in desperate times. By day three they throw the ships tackle overboard. Then we read, “Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest beat on us, all hope that we would be saved was finally given up.” (Acts 27:20). After 13 days with little or no food Paul encourages those on the ship of his hope in the Lord saving them. Even though they can’t see land on the 14th day “fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern, and prayed for day to come.” Acts 27:29.
Maybe, you find yourself in a time of desperation? Maybe, life has you hungering, and you can’t see how you are going to get off the ship of destitution? Maybe, in what seems like the darkness of night you have dropped anchors and are praying for day to come? I am here to tell you to cry out even the simplest of prayers, “Jesus help!” He is ever present, and you can find hope in Him.
Chelsea told Eli when he is having scary thoughts at night to just pray, “Jesus help!”. He told me thought, “Jesus help” when he got scared last night and his scary thoughts turned into funny thoughts of pineapples and hot dogs. He also said, “prayer works”.
Father, thank You! I know even as we are on the sea of life You are there. You are always there and will never leave us or forsake us. Even the simplest of prayers from a young child you answer. Help us to call out to you more. In Jesus name, AMEN!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.