There’s never a time… never…
Solomon spent twenty years building the temple and his own house. He then goes on to settle other cities. Yet we see Solomon not fully following the heart of the Lord, “Now Solomon brought the daughter of Pharaoh up from the City of David to the house he had built for her, for he said, “My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places to which the ark of the Lord has come are holy.” 2 Chronicles 8:11
Solomon knew the law against marrying foreigners. The Lord had given this law as He was forming the nation of Israel. Solomon marries the Pharaoh’s daughter anyway and moves her away knowing this wasn’t an honorable thing to do.
In these days kings would marry the daughter of other kings to form an alliance and strengthen their political agenda. Solomon was willing to sacrifice what’s right for his aspirations in life. We can all fall into this trap, but rest assured the slope is steep and slippery. Solomon found out the hard way. I’m sure we can all relate to some extent. There’s never a time to sacrifice truth and obedience to get ahead in life. Our agendas cannot be pushed forward by sacrificing truth and justice. We see the effects of immoral aspirations in the world around us. So, we respond differently. We trust the Lord and move forward with His lead. Our aspirations are never more important than righteousness and holiness. Never.
Lean on the Lord. Trust His path. Walk in His ways. It’s His Kingdom we are fighting for, not our own.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.