We’ve read about Hezekiah reforming Judah. He had done so much to advance the kingdom of God throughout his life. Yet we read, “After these things and these acts of faithfulness, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah and encamped against the fortified cities, thinking to win them for himself.” 2 Chronicles 32:1

It’s crazy to think how much he did for the kingdom, yet enemies still arose to challenge him. Also, we should consider how Hezekiah was focused on the Lord and until this time hadn’t prepared an army in case of enemy attacks. I wonder if he questioned why this happened even though he spent his life following the Lord?!

Battles are inevitable in life whether or not we focus on Jesus. We aren’t promised an easy life with no issues or problems. Beautiful moments come from trusting God in the hardest battles. As we live out of faith in the middle of these moments those around us are blessed as well. We do read of Hezekiah responding well in the middle of facing battles, “Then Hezekiah the king and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, prayed because of this and cried to heaven.” 2 Chronicles 32:20

In the moment Hezekiah did prepare for battle but he also sought the Lord. He knew no matter how well he prepared the best preparation was turning and trusting in the Lord. May we be people who trust and turn to the Lord whether in battle or not.

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.