Open doors… come on, let’s open doors!

Hezekiah now becomes king of Judah. He does what is right in sight of the Lord. We read, “In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them.” 2 Chronicles 29:3

One of the first decisions Hezekiah makes is to open the doors of the house of the Lord. Remember, during Ahaz’s reign (Hezekiah’s dad) the doors of the house of the Lord were shut so no one could worship. Hezekiah has the priest and Levites make sin offerings, consecrate themselves, and sets up worship in the temple. He makes ready for people to worship. He “opens doors” for people to come into the presence of the Lord.

How about you and me? Do we open doors to give way for people to worship? Be a conduit for the glory of the Father! Living our lives for the Father’s glory gives way for others to know Him and worship Him as well. Play that worship song in your car with friends, pray for that meal with others, invite people around you to gather worship with others. Let’s open doors for others to worship the Lord!

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.