Someone posed the question about fatherhood in the Bible the other day. Do we see good examples of fatherhood in the Bible?

As we’re reading through the Chronicles of Israel, we see the record of the kings of Judah. Notice, “He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father Uzziah had done; however he did not enter the temple of the Lord. But the people continued acting corruptly.” 2 Chronicles 27:2

Multiple times we’ve read chapters that speak of sons doing “what was right in the sight of the Lord” or “what was wrong in the sight of the Lord” with the attachment of “according to all that his father” has done.

From king to king and kingdom to kingdom, there was an example of a father who was a king. He was either a good example or he wasn’t. In the last chapter we read about Uzziah doing what was right in the sight of the Lord according to his father Amaziah (26:4). Many kings gave a good example as a father and leader throughout Israel’s history and their kids and nation had their own decision to make whether they would follow that example.

We can’t make decisions for others but as fathers… as leaders… we get to make the decision to be a godly example. That starts by following after the Lord, walking and teaching in His commands, and being an example of a child of God! That goes for fathers, mothers, friends, and family so let’s do it!

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.