How are you handling things?
These two kingdoms have gotten quite chaotic to say the least. They are war torn, fighting among themselves, and coming up with ways on their own to handle difficult situations. Was the Lord out of control? Absolutely not! We will see the grace and mercy of God unfold as this record continues.
The inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah ruler. His mother advised him to do evil. War was advised and Ahaziah made his own decision to follow. Athaliah destroys all royal heirs (at least tries too). In none of this were the people seeking after the Lord and His wisdom.
The same is true today, as people seek their own will and worldly counsel the world will only get more chaotic. But what about you… how are you handling each day? Who are you going to? Seeking advice from? May the Lord give us the wisdom to seek and follow after Him. May you listen and receive from the Lord.
Father, I pray that You will raise up more people to follow You. To seek Your face and Your Word. In Jesus name, AMEN!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.