Encourage. Confirm. Uplift. Affirm.
Here we read of Israel following in the steps of their king. They have torn down places of worship to other gods and Asa has led Israel to follow the commands of God.
We read of Azariah, “And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. For a long time Israel has been without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law; but when in their trouble they turned to the Lord God of Israel, and sought Him, He was found by them.” 2 Chronicles 15:2-4
How does this affect Asa? “And when Asa heard these words and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage…” 2 Chronicles 15:8
Even in the middle of doing well Asa was encouraged by Azariah. Proverbs 25:12 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”
Encouraging each other, confirming the good things the Lord is doing through a brother or sister, uplifting with our words and actions for those around us, and affirming one another in the Lord is HUGGEEE! Have you done this lately? I’m considering my own walk and heart right now as I write this. Take some time to encourage, confirm, uplift, and affirm each other. We all could use a little more courage at times even if we are already walking in the Lord!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.