Historically, this is where the kingdom of Israel splits into two kingdoms: the northern and southern kingdoms. You can read more about the northern kingdom through 1 & 2 Kings. Chronicles focuses more on the southern kingdom and the lineage of the Lion of Judah, Jesus!
Even though there were kings who led people away from the Lord in both kingdoms there was a stark difference between the two kingdoms. There was never a king in the northern kingdom who did things well in the sight of the Lord. And it began with Jeroboam, “…for Jeroboam and his sons had rejected them from serving as priests to the Lord. Then he appointed for himself priests for the high places, for the demons, and the calf idols which he had made. And after the Levites left, those from all the tribes of Israel, such as set their heart to seek the Lord God of Israel, came to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord God of their fathers.” 2 Chronicles 11:14-16
Individuals and families made the choice to, “set their heart to seek the Lord God of Israel” even though the conditions weren’t setup to worship Him. They willingly left their homes, traveled large distances, and inconvenienced themselves in pursuit of the Lord. They went against the tide. We need more people to do the same today. Let’s pray for individuals and families to go against the tide of the world and follow Jesus. Let’s be those individuals and families who set our hearts to seek the Lord even if that’s at a cost.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission