To Live… To Devote… To Engage… The Journey with Jesus! 
Let’s remember Paul’s writing to Timothy about instances that will happen in latter times. Does this mean these things could also take place now? Absolutely, but when looking at the Bible let’s keep it in context. Paul’s writing for Timothy to be aware of these things as he disciples and leads the church during his days. What about application for our lives today? 
 “…but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that is in you...” 1 Timothy 4:12-14 
 Paul tells young Timothy to LIVE out his faith by example in how he speaks, acts, loves, is present, and has faith with a pure heart. Then he says DEVOTE yourself to the scripture, be encouraging with the scripture, and rightly study the Bible. Lastly, he says ENGAGE others with his gifts in Jesus. We are called to do the same. Are you living out your faith for others to glorify the Lord? Are you devoting yourself to time in the Bible and His presence? Are you engaging in using the gifts the Lord has given you for the gospel of Jesus Christ? 
 Good questions we can each ask ourselves and pray towards as we continue this journey with Jesus! 
 - To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.