Get this truth. It’s powerful! Let Christ be exalted beyond your circumstance. 
Reminding them of his example Paul writes, “For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain, but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition.” 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2 
Do you know what Paul meant by being mistreated in Philippi? Read Acts 16. He and Silas were thrown in prison for manifesting the power of God. They were struck with many blows and unlawfully imprisoned. As they were chained in prison they sang and worshipped. This was right before they went to share the gospel with those in Thessaloniki. While doing so this is when Jason was beaten for housing Paul and Silas until they snuck them out of the city in the middle of the night. 
What would you be doing if this happened to you? Would you be sharing the gospel? Would you be concerned about other’s souls? I sure hope we all will be. It’s a powerful testimony to share, care, and minister the gospel in dire circumstances. As much as I appreciate Paul and Silas, and many others… the same Spirit of God living within them lives in the believer today. We can rise above our circumstances to live an Agape lifestyle. 
Praying for our hearts church, praying for a fresh fire. Praying in the middle of a dark culture we can have a deep love described in this chapter. It says we can “be gentle among you, just as a nursing mother”, “affectionately longing for” others, that “we may not be a burden to any”. And that we encourage, comfort, and charge those around us “as a father does his own children”. 
 - To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.