Oh I see you, I'm just not sure I believe you!
The Philistines had the ark for 7 months (v1). Crazy things have happened so they figure out how to send the ark back. They already recognize the power of God but just to verify they hitch 2 female cows to the ark and shut up their calves at home. They give every chance for the cows to turn back but they don't. We even read about them "lowing" (v12) while leading the cart back to the Israelites. The power to God is more than obvious to see.
They even say, "Why then do you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts?..." 1 Sam 6:6
We can be just as guilty. We see God move in our lives, in our hearts, and all around us but don't lean into His leading. Church, the Father is on the move. He's actively at work in and around us. Seeing the Lord at work but not submitting to the Lord shows a hard heart. It's just like the Pharaoh who recognized the power of God but refused to respond.
Let's pray for each other to have soft hearts for the Lord's leading. Where is the Lord leading you to follow Him? What's the Lord asking you to die to? Today is the day to lean into the Lord's leading. Let's go!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.