As we read the first 9 to 10 chapters in 1 Chronicles it mainly consists of genealogies. Let me encourage there is much in the record of these families that’s important. Let’s just look at a few verses that stand out through the first 5 chapters.
From Adam to Abraham, we see the blood line. From Abraham to Judah, even the lineage to King David we can follow the blood line which would usher in the Messiah, Jesus (See Matthew 1 for more connection). We also read about the foundation of Israel by each tribe from the family Jacob.
As the first 5 chapters mention many sons and daughters and descendants we have to consider for a moment the goodness of God. He is Lord of all creation yet it’s important for Him to inspire men to record family by family, descendant by descendant. How cool is that?
Maybe you think you’re forgotten. Maybe your family tree is rotten in some places. Let me assure you reading these sections of scriptures shows the Father has neither forgotten you or counted your family tree as rotten. What I can say… is He knows you! He sees you. And He wants to commune with you. In the middle of it all may we pray something similar, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” I Chronicles 4:10 (partial)
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.