From the time of God freeing Israel from captivity of the Egyptians to this point is approximately 38ish years. Israel had been disobedient. The Lord told the older generation they would not enter the promised land. Now, the younger generation who was 20 and younger are now mature and Moses is communicating the words of the Lord to them. He reminds them of the promise made for the land Israel would possess.
“See, I have placed the land before you; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to give to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to them and their descendants after them." Deuteronomy 1:8
If you were to get a map and draw out the original promised landmass you would see 300,000 square miles. Yet at the pinnacle of Israel’s history under King David and King Solomon Israel only occupied 30,000 square miles. 1/10 of all that God promised them is the most they’ve possessed.
The same can be said for us today. There are many promises the Lord has for us as individuals and the body of Christ. The question is are we occupying all the Lord has given us to occupy?
Those things He promises do us no good just lying on the pages of our Bibles. Reading, underlining, even memorizing them may be good but you’ve got to say, they're mine. I'm going to walk in them. I'm going to take what’s He promised.
Don’t leave on the table in this life what the Lord wants you to possess. Trust Him, follow Him, go for it!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.